Board Chairman Erik Smith | Email Members Edward Dunn, Deputy Chair Matthew Johnson James Titolo Harvey Green P: (845) 446-4280 x316 F: (845) 446-4298 Address Building Department 254 Main Street Highland Falls, NY 10928
The Planning Board reviews proposals submitted for subdivisions, lot line changes, site plans, site plan amendments, and special permits as described in the Town And Village Codes. Reviews are conducted to consider public safety and code compliance for each project.
Meetings are generally held on the third Thursday each month. Changes to this schedule are announced as early as possible to the public. You can verify that the meeting will be held by calling the Building Department at (845) 446-4280 x316.
The Town Building Department receives and processes applications for the Planning Board. The department can be reached at Town Hall at (845) 446-4280 x316.
Formal applications to the Planning Board for either preliminary approval or final approval of the project must be filed at least three (3) weeks (21 calendar days) prior to the meeting date requested by the applicant. Submittals must include seven (7) copies of the completed application and ten (10) copies of the map or plat required by the appropriate section of the Town or Village Code, together with a check payable to the "Town of Highlands" for the required application fee in the minimum amount set forth in the check-list attached. If the required numbers of copies are not submitted or if the minimum application fee is not paid at the time of the submission, the application will be rejected. Upon review of the application, the appropriate application fee will be calculated and the applicant will be notified if an additional sum must be paid in order for the Planning Board to receive the total application fee and commence review of the application.
April 15, 2020 Planning Board meeting can be found HERE