Emergency Mangement Director Ty King | Email Emergency Management Coordinator Kurt Hahn | Email P: (845) 446-4280 F: (845) 446-4298 Address Emergency Management 254 Main Street Highland Falls, NY 10928 View Website
Orange County Hazard Mitigation Plan – Public Review and Comment Period
Orange County has released the draft version of its updated Hazard Mitigation Plan for public review and comment. This plan is a critical tool for identifying risks from natural disasters and outlining strategies to reduce their impacts on our community. We encourage residents, businesses, and stakeholders to review the draft plan and provide feedback. Your input is essential to ensure the plan reflects the needs and priorities of our community.
Draft Plan Access: You can access the draft Hazard Mitigation Plan https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/4b5cf197b48c4ee0aae54206ea15c66c
Public Comment Period: The draft plan will be available for review from December 23rd to January 22nd , 2025.
How to Submit Comments: Please share your comments by completing the online feedback form https://arcg.is/19uDmy0 Thank you for contributing to Orange County’s efforts to build a safer and more resilient community.
The Town of Highlands is committed to providing a safe environment for people to live, work and recreate. Town Residents can take great pride in the professionalism and skill of our Responders and the entire emergency management team. The Emergency Management Committee was established to best position the Town to prevent, respond to, and recover from natural and man-made disasters. The Committee meets monthly and is chaired by the Emergency Management Director, who is a member of the Town Board, with the assistance of the Town Emergency Management Coordinator. The following organizations/agencies are represented
The Committee is in the final stages of revising the Town’s Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (CEMP). Please check back this summer to view the CEMP. SIGN UP FOR NY ALERT Citizens can keep informed about important safety information by signing up for this free service offered by the State of New York.