Assessor Jean M. Talman | Email Clerk/Data Collector Lisa M. Borra | Email P: (845) 446-4280 x315 F: (845) 977-5511 Address Assessors Office 254 Main Street Highland Falls, NY 10928
Reminder that the deadline for all exemptions in the Assessor’s office such as: Veteran’s, Senior Citizen (AGED), Wholly Exempt and the Enhanced Senior STAR is March 1, 2025.
Eligibility requirements: Must be owner-occupied and be the primary residence of the owner. Also, for the Senior Citizens and Enhanced STAR, must be 65 years old as of December 31st. The income requirements for Enhanced STAR are the Federal Adjusted Gross must be $107,300 or under - minus taxable IRA distributions, and the Senior Citizens/AGED income is the gross must be $37,399 or less.
For new owners – There is the STAR Credit. Must also be owner-occupied and the primary residence of the owner. Owners will receive a credit in the form of a check directly from New York State in September instead of receiving a School property exemption on their tax bill. New BASIC and ENHANCED STAR applicants must register with New York State Tax Department to receive a STAR check by calling 518-457-2036 or register online at: WWW.TAX.NY.GOV/STAR.
Please feel free to call and/or stop by the Assessor’s Office with any questions. To make sure you do not have to wait for us to review your income, appointments are encouraged. Office number 845-446-0703 ext. 315/326.
Jean Talman/Assessor [email protected]
It is the duty of the Assessor to identify/inspect and value property within the Town in accordance with Real Property Tax Laws of NYS. All exemptions are administered by the Assessor; including Veteran, Senior Citizen, STAR, and Wholly Exempt properties. The deadline for filing exemptions is March 1.
2024 Final Assessment Roll